"My second and most special tattoo, the initials of five of the most important beings in my life: my nieces and nephew. Their initials are on my ribcage, on the side where my heart is. They are my inspiration, and my reason for living. Love these bab


"My second and most special tattoo, the initials of five of the most important beings in my life: my nieces and nephew. Their initials are on my ribcage, on the side where my heart is. They are my inspiration, and my reason for living. Love these babies more than anything and proud to have their initials forever on my body. Dakota Patrice Workman Skylar Athena Gray Parker Eleni Gray Demetra Eleni Workman Asher Ruben Gray" Fonte


Enviado por Celebritattoo 9 anos atrás, tatuado 9 anos atrás

Mountain View
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