Kristiansand Tattoo Festival
room Christiansholm Fortress
directions Østre Strandgate 52B, Kristiansand, Vest-Agder
Hi welcome you to Kristiansand Tattoo Festival 2019, 12-14 July at the Cristiansholmfortress in Kristiansand, we are now changing from convention to festival for the first time and there will be live music on big stage in front of the fortress, and there will be food and chill out on the backside.
we can host more than 2500 people and you are invited to have booth to work in the tattoo area that will be inside the fortress,
to pay fully for your booth 3500 pr artist.
to pay deposit 1500pr artist.
please mark with Booth 2019
Hope to see you !best regards Gjøran
Ibannummer: NO8530603634213
Kontonavn: BPS Events AS
Bank navn: DNB Bank ASA, 0021 OSLO