Tattoo Dakota 3
room Dakota Magic Casino Convention Center
directions 16849 102nd St SE, Hankinson, Richland County
Harley Davidson of Fargo Presents
Dakota Magic Tattoo Arts Convention II
Schedule of Events
Friday, October 2
9:00 am Artist/Vendors set up.
2:00 pm Pre-inspection for artists/piercers
3:00 pm Doors open to public - $20.00 weekend pass
Tattooing and piercing starts.
5:00 pm Pre-registration starts for Saturday and Sundays tattoo contests.
9:00 pm Music from The Butcher
Midnight Lounge Mixer
Saturday, October 3
10:00 am Doors re-open to public - $20.00 weekend pass
Tattooing and piercing continues
Noon Pre-registration for tattoo contest
3:00 pm Tattoo Contest Judging starts (categories include color size categories,
black and grey sizes, portraits, lettering)!
6:00 pm Tattoo contest award ceremony. (Note) all first place winners automatically
qualify for best of show award on Sunday, must be present on Sunday to win Best of Show.
9:00 pm Skyler Nelson performs
10:00 pm Music Headliner of Tattoo You Dakota – Virgil Caine Blues Band
Midnight Gaming on
Sunday, October 4
9:00 am Doors re-open - Tattooing and piercing continues
11:00 am Pre-registration for Sundays tattoo contest.
1:00 pm Tattoo contest judging starts (categories include, Dakota Art, Old School/Traditional,
Skulls/Skeleton, Wildlife/Floral, Horror/Heaven and Hell, Best limb, Cover-ups,
Mens and Womens back pieces/Extensive Design, Tattoo of the Weekend)
4:00 pm Tattoo of the Weekend Judging
6:00 pm Grand Prize Drawing
Awards Ceremony
Dig It Award ∙ Tattoo of the Weekend ∙ Best of Show
7:00 pm Closing Ceremony
Saturday, Oct. 3, 2015 Judges Schedule
3:00 pm Small color tattoos for women and men
3:15 pm Medium color tattoos for women and men
3:30 pm Large color tattoos for women and men
3:45 pm Small black and grey tattoos (unisex)
4:00 pm Medium black and grey tattoos (unisex)
4:30 pm Large black and grey tattoos (unisex)
5:00 pm Portrait Class
5:30 pm Lettering
6:00 pm Awards Ceremony
Sunday, Oct. 4, 2015 Judges Schedule
1:00 pm Dakota Art
1:15 pm Wildlife Award/Floral
1:30 pm Cover-ups
2:00 pm Horror/Heaven and Hell
3:00 pm Best Limb
3:30 pm Back pieces/Extensive Design for women
Back pieces/Extensive Design for men
4:00 pm Tattoo of the Weekend Final Judging
6:00 pm Awards Ceremony